Boundary-Setting in Relationships

Understanding boundaries. Let's start with types of boundaries. There's emotional, physical, and time boundaries.

Emotional boundaries are feeling respected, feeling safe, feeling understood.

Physical boundaries, that might be more obvious. Also being safe, consent, feeling like you have control of your physical self.

And lastly, time boundaries, can be as simple as when you're meeting a friend and they show up two hours late and you're just sitting at the restaurant. Or in terms of like work and having those time boundaries of you stop at a certain time and your boss allows that or your colleagues allow that. And so those are sort of time boundaries.

The benefits of setting these boundaries are reduces stress. You have better relationship satisfaction. You have increased self esteem. You are overall just it's better mental health when there's clear boundaries. And in saying that some people are easier to have clear boundaries with than others.

Some people automatically have appropriate boundaries with each person and then others, you might have to start essentially teaching them your boundaries.

Recognizing the Need for Boundaries

When you notice somebody has poor boundaries, so maybe you're starting to feel resentful or taken advantage of listen to that, notice it and start to recognize, okay, that means that I need to start to set some limits and what works for me and knowing for you what works.

And so maybe it's automatic that you're someone who's a people pleaser. I can relate to that. I tend to be. And so I have to, I've had to, and it doesn't mean I've figured it out by any means, but it does mean I'm working on it. And to say no to things or just say, actually, that doesn't really work for me.

This works for me. Or if I need more time to think about if it works for me, Hey, let me think about that and get back to you.

How to Establish Boundaries

And so when you're establishing these boundaries, you're really looking inwards and figuring out what you need, what works for you and also what you want. And then it's communicating those boundaries to that person.

You're communicating them assertively. You're not, of course, being aggressive. You're just being Direct and clear. And then, if you're dealing with somebody who doesn't have the best boundaries in general, you've got to be then consistent with them of maintaining those appropriate and healthy boundaries for yourself, because the reality, unfortunately, is that if we're inconsistent with someone who doesn't have the best boundaries, we will then go back to feeling resentful and not cared for and wanting to just distance ourselves.

So in some ways. often training somebody to do that. And I think again, this can happen in all of our types of relationships. I think sometimes families are the ones we think of first because we've become so habituated to what their boundaries are from growing up with our family.

And so it takes us sometimes time to be unwind and realize actually, that doesn't feel good or that I don't want that to be anymore. And so then it's, like you're training somebody, but you're having to retrain them when you've been one way for 25, 35 years. So that can be really challenging. And that's where consistency is huge.

Dealing with Boundary Pushbacks

And so in saying all of that, there can be boundary pushbacks. People getting frustrated with you, getting mad at you, not understanding, you've been one way this whole time. Why are you now being this other way? It can be jarring for people, so I think having some empathy around that too of, if, you've been operating one way for however many years and then all of a sudden you're flipping the script and you're changing that narrative.

It is going to be challenging for someone to understand, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. It just means you've got to now learn how to handle that resistance, staying firm, staying compassionate. It doesn't mean inflexible, rigid boundaries. It can be boundaries that are compromises and that you are negotiating what works for them and what works for you.

But always go back to the self reflection piece of, is this compromise okay for me or am I just compromising because I can't handle the resistance.

Maintaining and Adjusting Boundaries

So check ins are really helpful, when you're maintaining and adjusting these boundaries. You're checking in with yourself. Maybe you're checking in with the person to and figuring out, having that reflection, having that insight of what works for you. Being adaptable can be really helpful to changes and knowing that relationships grow and change.

And that's totally appropriate and that you're allowed to do that.

So in conclusion, with all of this boundary setting and having your own boundaries, is a necessary part of life. For some of us, it's easier than others. For some of us, it is harder. And it starts with that self reflection piece, that checking in of what's working for you.

Am I feeling exhausted by this person? Am I feeling disrespected by them? Is this a continual pattern that I'm noticing? If so, I've got to start setting some boundaries and I've got to start setting emotional boundaries, time boundaries, and I've got to do that in a compassionate way and a way that works for me, but is also consistent and appropriate.

And relationships are such a integral part of our lives and our happiness and our contentness and well being. And so the more you can have healthy boundaries, the healthier and happier you will be in all of these types of relationships. And at Therapy Now SF, we work with people in relationships all the time.

That's another one of our main categories that people come in with. And again, it's relationships of all type: romantic, familial, friendship, and professional. And being able to discuss with a neutral third party and someone who is an expert in what boundaries can look like and helping you sometimes give you the words of what you can say to somebody else.

That's something our therapists are really great at doing and therapists in general are really great at doing. And reaching out to somebody if you're really struggling with what boundaries look like, it's okay to reach out, past your own circle, to figure out what's needed for you.

Andrea Zorbas
Narcissism in the Workplace: Strategies for Management and Co-workers

Let's talk about the impact of narcissism in the workplace and strategies for management and coworkers. Narcissistic personality disorder, I feel like it's a little buzzy right now. And that's fine because I think our culture has developed where a lot of people have some characteristics of narcissism. But that doesn't mean they qualify for the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.

But in saying that it's okay to be able to know for yourself how to work with somebody who maybe is showing some of these traits and characteristics. So I'm going to talk about it in a general sense, and then also with somebody who maybe does actually have that diagnosis. And when you're working with somebody who has some narcissistic traits it's challenging whether they're above you, equal to you, or you're managing them.

And the receiving end can have a lot of negative mental health impact, for yourself. And when you leave the workplace and you questioning yourself. So it's important to be able to know how to manage that for yourself and how to manage the person, essentially, how to work with them.

Recognizing Narcissistic Behaviors in the Workplace

Some of the characteristics are a need for admiration, a lack of empathy, a tendency to belittle others, gaslighting can be common, making others feel less than. In team dynamics, or if someone's above you, it's really challenging, obviously, if someone's above you, and they're doing this, it can totally disrupt team cohesion, communication, workplace atmosphere, it can erode trust, and your ability to feel comfortable and safe to take risks, to be able to be yourself, essentially, authentic self.

Consequences of Unchecked Narcissism

It can decrease your job satisfaction, it increases stress, it can make you have self doubt, it can chip away at your own self esteem. There's challenges to productivity, decision making processes and, in general project outcomes.

Strategies for Management

Let's get into some management strategies. Let's start with setting boundaries. So boundaries are important for everybody whether it's narcissistic tendencies or not.

Setting clear boundaries looks like being able to express what you need, being able to say no to things, being able to appropriately say what doesn't work for you, how something even makes you feel. And, even like very basic, a boss that is showing these tendencies, wants you to consistently stay late or work later from home and, maybe every once in a while that can work for you or it's appropriate you have a project, but if this is a continual thing, or they're calling you on weekends or any of those it can be you explicitly saying, "I'm working between these hours, I can get back to you at this time," or maybe even not responding. My recommendation is always being communicative up front. If those boundaries aren't accepted or respected, then it maybe looks like not responding until, you're back in the office at 9am. Whatever.

Some other ways are, giving constructive feedback, ways that are clear and specific. Saying something like, "when we were in the team meeting this morning, when you said blank, it didn't feel constructive to me. It felt like you were putting me down. And I think in the future it'd be helpful if you gave me similar feedback and it could look like this."

And you're not attacking somebody. You're really talking about their behavior. You're not saying, you did this, you always make me feel blah, blah, blah, because of your personality. No, none of that. It is focusing on the behavior.

And then another piece would be being very Specific about what your role is.

And if it can be common that again, someone, I think one of the most challenging if someone's above you really, because that is a lack of power, right? Being able to explicitly say, " my role is this, it seems like so and so, maybe that would be more appropriate for them to do this other piece of the project."

Coping Strategies for Co-Workers

So some coping strategies when you're having to deal with someone who's displaying these characteristics is, maintaining some professional distance, protecting your own emotional health, it might mean you aren't as vulnerable with them about your personal life because maybe they use that against you or don't make you feel respected in what you're telling them.

So effective communication, like strategies that we talked before are if maybe somebody easily gets emotionally heated or things escalate, you're going to want to deescalate that situation by talking calmly in a low voice and not trying to trigger what's going on for them.

Lastly, and this is always an option, is to seek out extra support, and maybe that means trusted colleagues or, if needed, human resources. And I don't think that has to be a last resort. I think that can be, I would recommend trying some of the other things that we've just talked about, but it is totally appropriate to do either of those if it is become a toxic work environment for you.

Building a Supportive Work Environment

Building a supportive work environment. One of the best ways to do that is to promote empathy. Empathy is a great way to mitigate narcissistic behaviors. It's also just a great way to have a good work environment, but one of the ways to deal with somebody that has some narcissistic behaviors is, to give them empathy while at the same time setting your boundaries and having effective communication.

If you're in a position to train managers or other colleagues, I think it can be helpful to talk about different personality types and ways to have an inclusive work environment and ways to work with people that have diverse ways of doing things.

And having regular reviews can be really helpful, and that can be a way to give feedback that maybe doesn't feel as scary in the one-on-one process. You're still doing all the effective communication of focusing on behavior and being clear and direct, but it can be less scary than having a one-on-one.

Being Prepared

Narcissistic behaviors in the workplace are challenging. The reality is most of us will see it in some capacity. So having an expectation that is probably going to happen, get that support that you need from colleagues or outside colleagues, being able to express how it makes you feel to them, then having communication with the person in general, having empathy towards them while setting appropriate boundaries, talking about their behavior and what it was like for you.

And having even the awareness to know It's not you and you're not personalizing it. It is the person and their challenges and being able to have some distance between that.

Reach Out to a Professional

At Therapy Now SF, we work with a lot of people that have a lot of work stress. That's one of our main complaints that people come in wanting to work on. And sometimes it has to do with someone that they're working with or above them has narcissistic behaviors.

Sometimes it doesn't. But it can still be helpful to talk about all these different personality types. The best way to respond to somebody, not react to them, but to respond to them. And at Therapy Now SF, our therapists are very skilled at helping with those communication in that boundary setting.

Andrea Zorbas
How to Choose a Psychotherapist in San Francisco

How do we choose a therapist in San Francisco? This is a question that many people ask me, and at Therapy Now SF, the way we go about it is I'm the first point of contact, and I assess what's going on symptom wise, what's bringing you into therapy right now, and then from there I think of our therapists and their personality styles, their different theories they use, and ways of being and engagement and everything, and then I sort of sorta match them.

Let's get into the details of when you are looking for a therapist and what that can look like.

First off, I would say, take your time. There's no rush. You can, most if not all, almost all, I would say therapists offer a free, like a 15 minute sort of phone consultation or video consultation so you can get a feel of somebody of who they are and their personality and see if you click.

In San Francisco specifically, there's such a variety of people, of cultures, of therapeutic approaches, of just the different schools they've been to. There's such a plethora, which is wonderful, but it can also be a little bit overwhelming.

Assess Your Needs

 So start with assessing what your needs are.

So what do you want to achieve with therapy? You can think about what your symptoms are like maybe you're struggling with some anxiety. You feel nervous. Often you worry a lot. You're in your head. You are ruminating about different things. That can translate into the everyday mundane.

It can also translate into work and your relationships. So if that's something you're going through, think of, what you're wanting to work on around that anxiety. Then if you want, you can, you don't have to do this, but you can also look into different therapy types. So you could do this by, just simply Googling, what's effective for managing anxiety.

You can look at what's evidence based, or you can look at what people have found helpful in the past such as, cognitive behavioral therapy is really popular for managing anxiety, but it's also not the only way to go. There's ways that somatic interventions are really helpful for anxiety or narrative therapy is really helpful.

And what the research actually shows, the literature shows, is that what's most important is not necessarily the theories a therapist uses, it is the relationship you build with the therapist. And so really keeping that in mind when you are talking to potential therapists.

Research Potential Therapists

 When you're looking into therapists, you can look into their qualifications and their credentials.

There's different types of licensures. There's LCSW, which stands for Licensed Clinical Social Worker, MFT or LMFT, which is Licensed Master's Family Therapist, a PhD or a PsyD, which is a doctoral in psychology. My personal sort of feelings around this degree can matter or cannot matter.

So much of it again is personality and compatibility and connection with your therapist and their experience with what you're wanting to work on. And how that experience aligns with your needs and sort of your values in life.

Consider Logistical Factors

 So then you want to consider some logistical factors.

Are you wanting telehealth? Are you wanting video sessions, phone sessions, or are you wanting in person? And then, even like deeper into the logistics, if you are wanting in person, make life a little bit easier for yourself. Maybe get somebody who works close to where you live or where you work.

You wanna decrease as many barriers as possible to get to therapy. But at the same time, if you find the right fit across town could be worth it.

And you're going to find out their availability. What is their scheduling look like? What times work for you?

You're going to look into your insurance and what the fees are. Some insurance companies will have a list of in network therapists. Others will be what's considered out of network, an out of network provider. And so they will be what we call private pay or self pay. The landscape has really changed in the past even five years where a lot of insurance companies are reimbursing for an out of network provider.

And that's huge. And that reimbursement rate can be anywhere from 50 to 80%. But the way to find that out is you have to directly call your insurance and find out what your plan does. Most therapists can't really tell you, what your Blue Shield Blue Cross specific plan will have.

In fact, they shouldn't tell you because every plan is different. So you need to find that out, do a little legwork for yourself.

 Check Reviews and Testimonials

 So then another piece is check their reviews and testimonials. The one challenge with getting reviews and testimonials, as a therapist, as I can tell you, is that one, ethically, legally, we actually can't ask our current or former clients for them.

So it has to be totally voluntary and therapy is private and confidential. So a lot of people don't want to be vulnerable and say they're going to therapy, there's still stigma, unfortunately around therapy. That can be helpful. Or if you have a friend who's been to a therapist, you can think of maybe seeing them.

That can be helpful unless you maybe want some space between your friend and your friend's therapist. And so maybe that therapist can recommend somebody for you.

Assess Your Comfort Level

 So then what I talked about earlier is you want to schedule that consultation. And take your time. Think of maybe some questions you want to ask. And think of the compatibility. Talking to them, do you feel safe with them? Do you feel like you can open up? Do you feel like you can be vulnerable? Do you feel like they're not going to judge you? Those like basic, basic ground level is extremely important because this is a person you're going to be talking to about possibly your deepest secrets, things that maybe you struggle to share with friends and family and you want to make sure this therapist can handle that and make you feel like you want to keep opening up.

I would say one of the last things is really trust your gut. Sometimes we can talk to somebody and we can't pinpoint why it just doesn't feel right.

And so you don't have to put words to that. You can just let yourself know something about that conversation didn't feel right to me. So I want to move on. Sometimes what I even encourage potential clients to do is if something does feel good over that consultation, schedule that first session.

You're never forced to continue for the rest of your life with that therapist. You can go, test it out for three sessions, I would say. And then if it's feeling great, continue. If it's feeling like something's off, or maybe you can pinpoint what's off, then move on, find another therapist.

In conclusion, take your time, trust your gut, have those conversations, talk to your friends or family about maybe how that conversation went. Again, do you feel safe? Can you be vulnerable? Can you open up? Can you build a relationship? Again, that relationship piece is huge. And that is the best predictor of feeling better, of achieving your goals, and of making the progress that you want to make.

Andrea Zorbas
Understanding and Addressing Gaslighting

So let's talk about understanding and addressing gaslighting. I think this is a term that in the past, I would say five years, I have clients talk about once a week. And often it's talked about in terms of maybe a partner that my client is worried is narcissistic. And so I want to clarify a few things before I even get into gaslighting. First off, not everybody is narcissistic.

I think that's also become a really buzzy common personality trait that people are saying, or it's really a symptomology. And those that have some narcissistic traits almost always do gaslight. So there is that. So let's, let's just get into it.

Identifying Gaslighting

 Let's just talk about what gaslighting is. So it's a form of psychological manipulation.

Specifically what that means is it's making a person question their sanity, their reality, their perception, or their reasoning.

This can happen in a friendship, this can happen in a intimate relationship, this can happen at work, this can happen anywhere, this can happen at the grocery store.

It can be like denying what somebody said, or that an event even took place, or that their perception of the event is wrong. And if you've ever been on the other side of this, which most of us had at some point, it's infuriating on that end, on your end, if you're being gaslit. It's invalidating.

It can bring up anger and rage and feelings of sadness and can bring up childhood stuff, bring up a lot of stuff. So, if you're in a, you know, say friendship, a close friendship, or with a partner and they're doing this a lot, then it's going to have a massive impact on your mental health. And also start to question your perception of reality which can really, be damaging for somebody.

The Psychology Behind Gaslighting

 So, what's the psychology behind gaslighting? Why do people gaslight others and and some of the power dynamics involved? It can be... be a lot of things. Some of the things that can be are:

  • Someone's trying to maintain control in the relationship.

  • It can be a matter of not having trust in a relationship.

  • It can be someone acting out trauma they experienced, say, growing up or in past relationships.

  • It can be a form of self esteem, lack of self esteem.

So there's a lot of reasons why someone does this and why it happens and sometimes some people know they're doing it. Sometimes they don't even know they're doing it. Both are difficult to deal with.

How to Respond to Gaslighting

 How do you respond to gaslighting? So I think this is, this is probably the toughest part. A lot of it has to do with first, if you start to identify it, one thing you can do is, well, talk to your therapist about it. If you're seeing some, a therapist, if you're not maybe a trusted friend.

If it's your friend that's gaslighting you, talk to another friend, someone that you do trust, that you trust their perception of the world and their reality of the world, that you trust that they know you well, and maybe explain to them the scenario, and try to explain that scenario in the most factual way possible of stating what the other person said and really trying to leave the emotions out of it.

Another way if things are really bad and, and I hope for somebody, it's not really this bad, but if it is, if you have, you know, intense conversations with somebody right afterwards, write down what each person said.

And that way, if the conversation comes back up later on, you actually literally have documented notes. Again, that is if something is really, really bad. And so I hope that's not the case.

So once you've identified that, yes, this is some gaslighting behavior, you need to protect yourself. You need to set boundaries.

You need to speak directly. And if it's really bad, maybe consider what that relationship is serving you compared to the mental anguish it's giving you. And seeking support, whether that's family, friends, and or a therapist.

Healing from Gaslighting

 So ways to heal from gaslighting. It's going to be a lot of rebuilding one's self esteem. Rebuilding your perception of reality.

Having healthy, good relationships where people validate your feelings, your experiences. Professional help is always really helpful with that. You have an unbiased third party who can really give it to you straight of what they're seeing and what's going on.

So in conclusion of all of this. It's helpful to have awareness of what gaslighting is. To be able to identify what's going on. To maybe understand what is the psychology around why someone might do this. And how to respond to gaslighting. And then to really take care of yourself if it's happening. And to really evaluate that relationship. And not all relationships are meant to last. That means friendship or whatever, intimate relationship. And so really doing an audit of your relationships and figuring out the healthy quality relationships that are in your life.

It can be a great way to go about this because you have a professional who's helping you really dissect and figure out what's going on.

Andrea Zorbas
How to be Happy in a Relationship

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

We're exploring how to be happy in a relationship, which is a significant topic for many. There's a common misconception that being in an intimate relationship automatically means you should be happy. Initially, most are familiar with the honeymoon stage, where everything feels blissfully perfect, and dopamine levels surge, enhancing happiness. But as time passes and we get to know each other better, seeing each other's faults and facing conflicts, the reality sets in, making the relationship feel more real and often more challenging.

Communication is Key

Communication is everything in a relationship. It's widely acknowledged as challenging but crucial. Effective communication involves being open and honest. The most important aspect, I believe, is active listening. It's beneficial to use "I" statements, focus on expressing your feelings, and employ non-blaming language. However, it's equally vital for your partner to actively listen, validate what you're saying, and not just wait for their turn to speak. A technique I recommend to couples and individuals is to repeat back what the other person has said in your own words to ensure understanding. This can slow down the conversation and might be a bit annoying, but it leads to much better outcomes. Effective conflict resolution also includes taking breaks when discussions get too heated, especially if emotions might lead to regrettable statements.

Maintaining Independence

Maintaining some independence is another key to happiness in a relationship. It's natural to experience some codependency in romantic relationships, which often gets a bad rap. However, Dr. Susan Johnson, a leading couples therapist, talks about a healthy codependence while also maintaining independence. Balancing shared interests and activities with individual pursuits and maintaining separate friendships are essential. It’s about keeping a sense of self, ensuring your ideas and values remain intact and are positively influenced by your partner in healthy ways.

Practicing Appreciation and Gratitude

Practicing appreciation and gratitude is crucial, yet often overlooked in the hustle of daily life. Simple gestures like thanking your partner for picking up groceries or doing dishes can significantly impact their feelings of being valued. Such acknowledgments are not only affirming but also encourage more helpful behaviors, reinforcing positive interactions within the relationship.

Fostering Intimacy and Connection

Fostering intimacy and connection is vital, especially over time. This can be through regular date nights, shared activities, or new experiences together. It's essential to plan these moments because daily life's busyness tends to get in the way. Remembering to incorporate physical touch, whether initiated by you or your partner, is also crucial in maintaining a close connection.

Handling Challenges Together

Viewing yourselves as a team is critical when facing challenges. Supporting each other and showing empathy during tough times can make handling life's hurdles much easier than when you're alone. Remember, teamwork doesn't just help in overcoming difficulties; it also strengthens the bond between partners.


In summary, key components to happiness in a relationship include effective communication, maintaining independence while being interdependent, practicing appreciation, fostering intimacy, and handling challenges together. Learning about each other’s backgrounds, needs, and how to meet in the middle can also enhance understanding and respect within the relationship. All these elements contribute to growing together and supporting each other to be the best versions of yourselves.

Andrea Zorbas
How to Be Happy at Work: Insights from Dr. Andrea Zorbas

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

Let's talk about how to be happy at work. How important is it to find happiness at work? We're at work a lot of hours of our day, of our week, of our life. Job satisfaction, in general, is going to contribute to our overall well-being, our overall state of happiness and contentedness.

Identifying What Makes You Happy at Work

What are some things that make you happy at work? That's where you start. You want to identify for yourself what brings you satisfaction versus the things that don't bring you satisfaction, and that's going to be different for everybody. It really is being self-reflective and trying to figure out what works for you.

And in doing that, some of the questions you can ask yourself are what is my passion, what do I feel my purpose is both in life? And then how does that translate to what is my purpose at work? What do I gain value from, what brings me meaning? And then from there, also personal growth.

We know that personal growth gives us a lot of satisfaction, especially in our jobs. So, that is another huge piece of where can I grow? Why is that important to me? Ask yourself a lot of why questions, why is this my passion? Why is this my purpose? And then digging even deeper from there.

Building Positive Relationships at Work

Another way to be happy at work is to build positive relationships. We are social beings. We need connection. Even if you're someone who considers yourself more introverted, that doesn't mean you don't need quality connections. It might mean you need less than an extrovert, but you're going to need those quality relationships.

And maybe that's even just one. And if you're extroverted, of course, you probably want a lot of those relationships at work. So, finding those colleagues that are supportive, that listen to you, that validate you, that you have fun with, that you can go to lunch with, take a walk with, or maybe even grab a happy hour drink with.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

Creating a positive work environment can involve simple things like personalizing your workspace to reflect your personality and interests. Ensuring you have a work-life balance and setting healthy boundaries is crucial, particularly in work cultures that may not initially support this. It's about making space for well-being and recharging.

Facing Challenges Positively

Facing challenges at work is inevitable, but viewing them as growth opportunities is key. Being resilient, flexible, and adaptable in the face of change and challenges keeps you engaged and helps in personal and professional development.

Seeking Growth and Development

Seeking continuous personal and professional development is crucial for job satisfaction. Set goals aligned with your personal values that are realistic and attainable. This pursuit of growth not only improves your skills but also keeps you motivated and fulfilled in your work.


In summary, happiness at work involves identifying what brings satisfaction, fostering positive relationships, creating a supportive work environment, facing challenges with resilience, and continuously pursuing personal and professional growth. Reflecting on how your work aligns with your personal values can transform your professional experience into one that is not only bearable, but joyful and fulfilling.

Andrea Zorbas
How to Break Up

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

The decision to end a relationship is never easy. It's a journey fraught with emotional complexities and the potential for pain on both sides. Understanding how to navigate this difficult decision can make the process more manageable and respectful. This guide aims to provide compassionate and practical advice for those facing this challenging transition.

“Breaking up is a profound life change that requires courage, honesty, and sensitivity”

Knowing When It's Time to Break Up

Recognizing the signs that a relationship has run its course is the first step. Persistent feelings of unhappiness, fundamental differences in values or life goals, and a breakdown in communication can all indicate that it might be time to part ways. It's essential to reflect deeply and honestly about whether these issues are surmountable or if they signal a deeper incompatibility.

Preparing for the Breakup

Once the decision is made, preparing yourself mentally and emotionally is crucial. Consider the timing, setting, and how you'll communicate your feelings in a way that is clear, compassionate, and respectful. Planning this conversation in advance can help ensure that you express yourself effectively and reduce the potential for unnecessary hurt.

Having the Breakup Conversation

  • Be Direct and Honest: Clearly state your feelings and the reasons for your decision without being overly harsh or critical.

  • Use “I” Statements: Focus on your feelings and experiences rather than placing blame.

  • Be Prepared for Their Reaction: Your partner may feel shocked, upset, or angry. Try to remain calm and empathetic, allowing them space to process their emotions.

  • Offer Clarity: Avoid giving false hope if you're certain of your decision. Clarity can help both parties move forward more definitively.

Dealing with the Aftermath

The period following a breakup can be one of intense emotion and adjustment. Prioritize self-care and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions, and allowing yourself to grieve the loss is a healthy part of the healing process.

Moving On

Moving on from a relationship involves both healing from the past and looking forward to the future. Engage in activities and hobbies that you enjoy, reconnect with yourself and your interests, and gradually, you'll find the strength to open yourself up to new experiences and opportunities.


Breaking up is a profound life change that requires courage, honesty, and sensitivity. It's about ending one chapter of your life with respect and dignity, for both yourself and your partner, and laying the groundwork for future growth and happiness. At Therapy Now SF, we understand the complexities involved in ending a relationship and offer guidance and support to help individuals navigate this challenging process. Remember, it's okay to seek help during this time, and taking steps towards healing and self-discovery can lead to new beginnings and personal growth.

Andrea Zorbas
Mindfulness in Therapy

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

In the bustling rhythm of modern life, finding moments of peace and presence can be challenging. Mindfulness, a practice rooted in ancient traditions and validated by contemporary psychology, offers a path to achieving a deeper sense of calm and clarity. At Therapy Now SF, we integrate mindfulness into therapy to enhance mental well-being, fostering a connection between mind, body, and spirit.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the moment, aware of our thoughts and feelings without judgment. It's about observing our inner and outer experiences with acceptance, compassion, and curiosity. This practice helps break the cycle of automatic, reactive thoughts and behaviors, leading to greater emotional regulation and self-awareness.

Benefits of Mindfulness in Therapy

Mindfulness in therapy has shown remarkable benefits, including reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress. It aids in improving concentration, enhancing resilience, and fostering a greater capacity for empathy and compassion. By cultivating mindfulness, individuals can develop a more compassionate and understanding relationship with themselves and others.

Mindfulness Techniques Used in Therapy

Several mindfulness techniques can be seamlessly incorporated into therapeutic practice:

  • Meditation: Guided or silent meditation helps quiet the mind and focus attention, teaching patience and acceptance.

  • Breathing Exercises: Focused breathing techniques can help center thoughts and reduce anxiety, promoting relaxation.

  • Body Scans: This technique involves mentally scanning the body for areas of tension and relaxation, encouraging a mindful connection with physical sensations.

Case Studies and Research

Empirical studies support the efficacy of mindfulness in therapy. Participants in mindfulness-based therapy programs often report significant improvements in mental health outcomes, including decreased symptoms of psychological distress and enhanced quality of life.

Integrating Mindfulness into Daily Life

Beyond the therapy session, mindfulness can be a valuable tool for daily living. Simple practices such as mindful eating, walking, or even engaging in routine activities with full attention can extend the benefits of mindfulness into every aspect of life.


Mindfulness in therapy offers a powerful approach to enhancing mental health and well-being. By fostering a mindful presence, individuals can navigate life's challenges with greater ease and resilience. At Therapy Now SF, we are committed to incorporating mindfulness practices into our therapeutic approach, empowering our clients to live more fully engaged and emotionally balanced lives. Through mindfulness, we can find a path to inner peace, improved mental health, and a deeper connection to the world around us.

Andrea Zorbas
How to be Happy

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

In our quest for happiness, we often find ourselves navigating a complex emotional landscape. At Therapy Now SF, we understand that happiness is not a one-size-fits-all concept but a deeply personal journey. This blog explores the multifaceted nature of happiness and offers insights into achieving a state of enduring contentment.

“Our happiness is deeply intertwined with the quality of our relationships”

Understanding Happiness:

Happiness transcends fleeting moments of joy, embodying a state of well-being characterized by meaning, satisfaction, and a profound sense of fulfillment. It's a harmonious balance between life's pleasures and a deep-seated contentment with one’s life as a whole. Recognizing happiness as both a journey and a destination allows us to appreciate the steps we take toward it.

Factors Influencing Happiness:

Happiness is influenced by a mix of external and internal factors. External factors include our relationships, career, and the environment we live in. Internal factors encompass our mindset, health, and personal goals. Achieving happiness often requires a balance between seeking fulfillment from the world around us and cultivating our inner well-being.

Practical Tips for Cultivating Happiness:

  1. Setting Realistic Goals: Goals give direction and meaning to our lives. Therapy Now SF encourages setting achievable objectives and celebrating every victory, no matter its size, to foster a sense of accomplishment and joy.

  2. Practicing Gratitude: Adopting a gratitude practice can significantly alter our perception of life. Focusing on what we have, rather than what we lack, cultivates a positive mindset and enhances our overall well-being.

  3. Building Meaningful Relationships: Our happiness is deeply intertwined with the quality of our relationships. Investing in supportive and uplifting connections can provide a strong foundation for lasting happiness.

  4. Finding Flow: Engaging in activities that challenge and immerse us fully can lead to a state of "flow," where time seems to stand still, providing deep satisfaction and joy.

  5. Identifying Your Values: By understanding what we value, we prioritize what is meaningful and what we find fulfilling. It helps brings clarity into how we want to spend our time.

Overcoming Obstacles to Happiness:

Life is full of ups and downs, and facing challenges is inevitable. Dealing with negative emotions, managing stress and anxiety, and overcoming setbacks are all part of the journey. Understanding that happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them effectively, is key.

Seeking Help When Needed:

For those times when happiness seems elusive, reaching out for professional support can be a crucial step. Therapy Now SF offers a compassionate space to explore personal challenges, providing the tools and guidance needed to navigate the path toward happiness.

Happiness is a deeply personal yet universally sought-after state. By understanding its complex nature and actively working towards it, we can enhance our quality of life. The therapists at Therapy Now SF is here to support you on this journey, offering insights, strategies, and professional guidance to help you find and maintain your happiness. Remember, the pursuit of happiness is not just about the destination but the journey itself. Embrace it with intention and support.

Andrea Zorbas
Mastering the Art of Arguing Well in Relationships

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

Arguments in relationships are often viewed negatively, but when approached correctly, they can strengthen bonds rather than weaken them. Arguing well is an art that involves expressing yourself effectively, listening actively, and finding common ground. It's about turning conflicts into opportunities for growth and understanding. Here’s how you can master the art of arguing well in your relationships.

“say ‘I feel hurt when…’ instead of ‘You always hurt me by…’”

Understanding Healthy Arguments

Healthy arguments are not about winning or losing; they are about understanding and resolving differences. They involve discussing issues openly and respectfully, without causing harm or resentment. The goal is to reach a better understanding of each other and find solutions that work for both partners.

Key Principles of Arguing Well

  1. Stay Focused on the Issue: Keep the argument centered on the specific issue at hand. Avoid bringing up past grievances or unrelated topics.

  2. Listen Actively: Truly listen to what your partner is saying instead of planning your counterargument. Active listening shows that you respect their perspective and are engaged in finding a resolution.

  3. Use “I” Statements: Express your feelings and thoughts using “I” statements. This reduces the likelihood of your partner feeling attacked and becoming defensive. For example, say “I feel hurt when…” instead of “You always hurt me by…”

  4. Control Emotions: It's natural for emotions to run high during an argument, but try to keep them in check. If you feel too overwhelmed, take a break and resume the discussion when you’re calmer.

  5. Avoid Blame and Name-Calling: Blaming and derogatory language escalate the argument and hurt feelings. Focus on the behavior or issue, not the person.

  6. Seek to Understand, Not to Win: The purpose of the argument should be to understand each other's perspectives and reach a solution, not to win.

Strategies for Arguing Well

  1. Prepare Your Thoughts: If possible, think about what you want to say beforehand. This can help you articulate your thoughts more clearly and avoid miscommunication.

  2. Find Common Ground: Look for areas of agreement. This can provide a foundation for resolving your differences.

  3. Respect Each Other’s Views: Acknowledge that your partner’s viewpoint is valid, even if you disagree with it. Respectful disagreement is key to healthy arguing.

  4. Work Towards a Solution: Focus on finding a solution that is acceptable to both parties. It may involve compromise or finding a creative solution that addresses both of your needs.

  5. Know When to Agree to Disagree: Sometimes, you may not reach a consensus, and that’s okay. Agreeing to disagree can be a healthy outcome, provided both partners feel heard and respected.

  6. Reflect Post-Argument: After the argument, reflect on what happened. Discuss what you learned and how you can handle future disagreements more effectively.

Remember, arguing well is a skill that can be developed over time. At Therapy Now SF, we believe that through effective communication and mutual respect, couples can turn arguments into opportunities for growth and deepening understanding. Learning to argue well is not just about resolving conflicts; it's about nurturing a relationship where both partners feel valued and heard.

Andrea Zorbas
The Art of Connection: Mastering Healthy Communication in Relationships

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship. It's not just about talking, but about understanding, empathizing, and connecting. Healthy communication fosters a strong foundation for relationships, helping partners navigate through the highs and lows with mutual respect and understanding. Here's a guide to mastering healthy communication in your relationships.

Understanding Healthy Communication

Healthy communication goes beyond mere words. It involves the way we speak, listen, respond, and understand each other. It's about expressing yourself clearly and respectfully, while also being open to listen and understand your partner's perspective. This balance is essential for building trust, resolving conflicts, and deepening emotional connections.

Key Elements of Healthy Communication

  1. Active Listening: This means truly hearing what your partner is saying, without planning your response or judging their words. It's about being fully present in the conversation, showing interest, and seeking to understand their perspective.

  2. Clarity and Honesty: Being clear and honest in your communication avoids misunderstandings. It's important to express your thoughts, feelings, needs, and concerns openly and respectfully.

  3. Non-Verbal Cues: Much of communication is non-verbal. Pay attention to body language, eye contact, and tone of voice, both in your partner and in yourself, as these can convey volumes beyond words.

  4. Empathy: Empathy involves putting yourself in your partner’s shoes and understanding their feelings. It's a crucial part of responding in a way that acknowledges and respects their perspective.

  5. Respect: Even in disagreements, maintaining respect is key. Avoid name-calling, yelling, or belittling. Respectful communication fosters a safe space for both partners to express themselves.

  6. Conflict Resolution: Healthy communication is vital in resolving conflicts. This involves being willing to find a middle ground, admitting when you’re wrong, and working together towards a solution.

Practicing Healthy Communication

  1. Use “I” Statements: Instead of blaming or accusing, use “I” statements to express how you feel. For example, "I feel upset when..." instead of "You always make me upset."

  2. Listen to Understand, Not to Respond: Focus on understanding your partner’s point of view before crafting your response.

  3. Avoid Assumptions: Don’t assume you know what your partner is thinking or feeling. Ask questions to clarify and understand their perspective.

  4. Take Timeouts if Needed: If emotions are running high, it’s okay to take a break from the conversation and revisit it when both partners are calmer.

  5. Practice Empathy: Try to understand your partner’s feelings and perspective, even if you don’t agree with them.

  6. Acknowledge and Validate: Acknowledge your partner's feelings and validate their experiences. This doesn’t mean you have to agree, but it shows you respect their perspective.

Healthy communication is not innate; it’s a skill that can be learned and improved upon. It requires ongoing effort and practice. At Therapy Now SF, we understand the challenges and rewards of effective communication within relationships. We offer guidance and support to help individuals and couples develop these vital skills, enhancing their connections and enriching their relationships. Remember, the quality of your communication can transform the quality of your relationship.

Andrea Zorbas
Breaking the Chains: Understanding and Overcoming Co-dependency in Relationships

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

Co-dependency, a term often heard in the context of relationships, describes a pattern of behavior where one partner excessively relies on the other for approval, identity, and self-worth. Initially used to describe dynamics in relationships involving substance abuse, co-dependency is now recognized more broadly as a dysfunctional relationship pattern. Here’s an exploration of co-dependency, its signs, and steps to overcome it.

Understanding Co-dependency

Co-dependency arises when one partner, often feeling a lack of self-worth, becomes emotionally and psychologically reliant on their partner. This reliance often leads to neglecting their own needs in favor of their partner’s, creating an unhealthy dynamic. The co-dependent individual might believe that their worth is contingent upon their ability to meet the needs of their partner, often at a great personal cost.

Signs of Co-dependency

Recognizing co-dependency in a relationship can be challenging, especially since these patterns often develop gradually. Some common signs include:

  • Low Self-Esteem: Feeling unworthy or valuing others’ opinions more than your own.

  • People-Pleasing Behavior: Constantly trying to please or appease the partner, often ignoring personal boundaries.

  • Fear of Abandonment: An overwhelming fear of being left alone, leading to clingy or needy behavior.

  • Difficulty in Making Decisions: Struggling to make decisions without seeking reassurance or approval from the partner.

  • Need for Control: An attempt to control situations to avoid change or unpredictability, often rooted in deep-seated anxiety.

Poor Boundaries: Difficulty in recognizing where your needs and emotions end and your partner’s begin.

The Impact of Co-dependency

Co-dependency can lead to an imbalance in the relationship, with one partner assuming the role of a caretaker, often at the expense of their own emotional well-being. This imbalance can lead to resentment, stress, and even emotional or physical health issues. The co-dependent person might neglect their own needs, interests, and aspirations, leading to a loss of self-identity.

Overcoming Co-dependency

Breaking free from co-dependent behaviors requires self-awareness, courage, and often professional guidance. Here are some steps to start the journey:

  1. Self-Reflection: Begin by acknowledging co-dependent patterns in your relationship. Understanding your behaviors and motivations is a crucial first step.

  2. Seek Professional Help: Therapy can be invaluable in addressing co-dependency. A therapist can help you understand the roots of your behaviors, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and rebuild your sense of self.

  3. Set Healthy Boundaries: Learn to set and maintain healthy boundaries. This involves understanding your limits and communicating them clearly to your partner.

  4. Self-Care and Self-Validation: Focus on your own needs and practice self-care. Learn to validate yourself, rather than relying on your partner for your sense of worth.

  5. Develop Independence: Engage in activities independently, pursue personal interests, and foster relationships outside of your partnership.

  6. Communication: Open and honest communication with your partner about your needs, feelings, and the changes you’re trying to implement is essential.

Overcoming co-dependency isn’t easy, but it’s a journey worth taking for the sake of your emotional and relational health. Remember, you deserve a relationship where you can be your own person and still be loved and valued. Therapy Now SF is here to support you every step of the way, providing the tools and guidance needed to foster healthier, more balanced relationships.

Andrea Zorbas
Recognizing the Red Flags: Is Your Partner a Narcissist?

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

In a world where the term "narcissist" is frequently thrown around in casual conversations, it's essential to understand what narcissistic traits actually entail, especially in the context of romantic relationships. Narcissism goes beyond mere vanity or self-absorption. It's a personality disorder that can have profound impacts on relationships. If you're questioning whether your partner might be a narcissist, here are some key signs to look out for.

1. Excessive Need for Admiration

One of the hallmark traits of narcissism is an excessive need for admiration and validation. If your partner seems overly concerned with receiving praise and becomes upset or agitated when they don't receive the attention or admiration they feel they deserve, it could be a sign of narcissistic behavior.

2. Lack of Empathy

Narcissists often have a marked lack of empathy, meaning they struggle to understand or care about the feelings and needs of others. If your partner regularly dismisses your feelings, shows little compassion, or seems indifferent to the emotions of others, this can be a red flag.

3. Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance

A grandiose sense of self-importance is another characteristic of narcissistic personality disorder. Your partner might exaggerate their achievements, talents, or importance, often speaking of themselves in highly inflated terms. They may also fantasize about unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.

4. Entitlement and Exploitation

Narcissists often feel entitled to special treatment and have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment. If your partner frequently demands special attention or privileges and gets angry or impatient if they don't get what they want, it's a concerning sign. Additionally, they might exploit others to achieve their own ends, showing little regard for others' needs or feelings.

5. Envy and Belittling Others

Often, narcissists are envious of others or believe others are envious of them. If your partner regularly belittles people they perceive as inferior or seems consumed by jealousy, it’s a warning sign. They might also constantly compare themselves to others in an attempt to maintain a sense of superiority.

6. Fragile Self-Esteem

Despite their outward confidence, narcissists often have a fragile self-esteem and are sensitive to criticism. If your partner reacts negatively to criticism, becomes defensive, or is easily hurt by perceived slights, it could be indicative of underlying narcissistic traits.

7. Manipulative or Controlling Behavior

Narcissists may engage in manipulative or controlling behavior to maintain their sense of superiority and power in the relationship. This can manifest as gaslighting, where they make you question your own reality, or trying to isolate you from friends and family.

Recognizing these signs is the first step in addressing the issue. If you believe your partner may be exhibiting narcissistic behaviors, it’s important to consider the impact on your well-being and relationship. Relationships with narcissists can be emotionally draining and psychologically damaging.

It's also crucial to remember that only a qualified mental health professional can diagnose narcissistic personality disorder. If you're concerned about your relationship, consider reaching out to a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and support as you navigate these challenging dynamics. At Therapy Now SF, we are here to help you understand these complexities and work towards healthier relationship patterns.

Andrea Zorbas
Feedback and Collaboration: The Dual Pillars of Effective CBT

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is not a spectator sport; it's an engaging, interactive process built on the pillars of feedback and collaboration. In the world of CBT, therapists and clients work as a team, each bringing valuable insight to the table. This dynamic duo of feedback and collaboration is what turns therapy into a transformational journey. Here's how these elements play a crucial role in CBT and why they are essential for therapeutic success.

The Heart of CBT: A Collaborative Effort

CBT is grounded in the therapeutic alliance, the collaborative partnership between therapist and client. This alliance is a fertile ground where change is seeded, nurtured, and cultivated. Unlike more directive forms of therapy, CBT involves the client in every step, from defining goals to identifying patterns and implementing strategies. This collaborative approach ensures that therapy is not done to the client, but with them.

Feedback: The Navigational Compass in CBT

  1. Illuminating the Path: Feedback in CBT is a two-way street. Therapists provide insights into clients' progress, highlight areas of growth, and gently guide them towards areas that require more attention. Similarly, clients offer feedback on what's working for them, what isn't, and how they're experiencing the therapeutic process.

  2. Adjusting the Course: Just as a ship captain adjusts the sails after checking the compass, therapists and clients use feedback to steer the therapeutic process. This can mean modifying techniques, shifting focus, or trying new approaches.

  3. Reinforcing Progress: Positive feedback acts as a reinforcement, encouraging clients to continue applying effective strategies and recognizing their own growth, which can be immensely motivating.

Collaboration: The Keystone of CBT's Structure

  1. Equal Partners: In CBT, the therapist and client are seen as equals. The therapist brings professional expertise, but the client is considered the expert on their own life. Together, they create a plan that leverages both types of expertise.

  2. Shared Decision Making: From setting goals to selecting techniques, decisions in CBT are made jointly. This ensures that the therapy aligns with the client's values, preferences, and circumstances.

  3. Joint Problem Solving: When obstacles arise, therapist and client put their heads together to brainstorm solutions. This not only fosters a sense of ownership for the client but also encourages creative problem-solving.

Challenges and Considerations

While feedback and collaboration are ideal, there can be challenges:

  • Differing Expectations: It's crucial to align expectations from the outset and ensure that both parties are clear about their roles in the therapeutic process.

  • Communication Barriers: Effective communication is the lifeblood of feedback and collaboration. Both therapist and client must feel comfortable openly sharing thoughts and feelings.

Feedback and collaboration in CBT are like the twin engines propelling a boat forward — they need to work in harmony for the journey to be successful. These elements foster a sense of shared responsibility and active engagement, which are key to effective therapy. CBT, through its collaborative nature, empowers clients, giving them an active role in their healing process and making them co-authors of their own narrative of change.

Remember, in the therapy room, feedback and collaboration are not just strategies; they are the very ethos of CBT, reflecting a profound respect for the client's autonomy and potential. With these pillars firmly in place, therapy moves from being a mere treatment to a journey of mutual discovery and growth.

Andrea Zorbas
Unlocking Harmony: Signs You've Found the Right Match in Your Partner

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

Navigating the complexities of romantic relationships can often feel like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. With love being as unpredictable as it is, how can one determine if their partner is a good match? This question plagues many, but understanding the right fit goes beyond shared interests and attraction. Here are some vital signs to help you discern if your partner is a good match for you.

Communication is Key

The cornerstone of any robust relationship is communication. When both partners feel heard and understood, it paves the way for a healthy connection. If your partner listens to you, values your opinions, and engages in open and honest dialogue, it's a positive sign. Communication should not just be frequent, but of quality, and it should go both ways. Good communication also means managing conflicts in a healthy way, without resorting to hurtful words or actions.

Respect and Support

Another essential ingredient is respect. If your partner respects you as an individual, your autonomy, your time, and your life outside of the relationship, it's a promising sign. Furthermore, support is not just about being there during the tough times, but also about celebrating successes and encouraging each other's growth and aspirations.

Shared Values and Goals

While it's not necessary to agree on everything, sharing core values and having aligned life goals can significantly contribute to the longevity of a relationship. Whether it’s views on family, career, or personal values, being on the same page helps in creating a shared direction and understanding for the future.

Trust and Security

Feeling secure and trusting in your relationship is non-negotiable. Trust is built over time through consistency and reliability. If you find that you're able to trust your partner and feel secure in your relationship, not just physically but emotionally as well, it's a strong indication of a good match.

Mutual Affection and Intimacy

The spark of physical attraction may be what initially draws two people together, but sustaining a deeper emotional connection is what keeps the relationship going. Intimacy is not just about physical closeness but also about the ability to connect on a deeper emotional level. A partner who is attentive to your needs and desires, and whom you can share affection with openly, is likely a good match.

Individuality and Interdependence

A good partner will not only enjoy spending time with you but will also encourage you to have your own life and interests. Maintaining your individuality and having a sense of interdependence, where you can rely on each other without losing your sense of self, is a healthy balance in a relationship.

Navigating Differences

No two people are the same, and differences are inevitable. A good match doesn't mean a perfect mirror of yourself but rather someone who complements you. It’s about how you navigate these differences, find common ground, and accept each other with all the quirks and imperfections.

In conclusion, determining if your partner is a good match involves introspection and observation. It’s about how you function together as a team. While no relationship is perfect, having a partner who communicates well, respects you, shares your values, offers trust and security, connects with you intimately, maintains their individuality, and navigates differences with understanding is a solid foundation for a promising future together.

Remember, a good match is not just about finding the right person but also about being the right person. Relationships are a two-way street, and it takes mutual effort to make them work. If you find these qualities in your partnership, you're likely on the right track. If you're unsure, consider engaging with a therapist who can provide an objective perspective and help you explore your relationship dynamics more deeply. Therapy Now SF is here to support you in that journey.

Andrea Zorbas
Psychoeducation in CBT: Illuminating the Pathway to Cognitive Transformation

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

Psychoeducation is a cornerstone in the realm of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT, renowned for its structured, goal-oriented approach, utilizes psychoeducation to provide individuals with a robust foundation, setting the stage for effective intervention and sustainable change. Let's explore how psychoeducation is woven into the fabric of CBT and why it's so pivotal.

“Understanding the principles of CBT allows individuals to take a proactive role in their therapy.”

The Role of Psychoeducation in CBT

  1. Laying the Groundwork: Before diving into the intricacies of cognitive restructuring and behavioral interventions, it's essential for individuals to have a clear understanding of CBT's framework. Psychoeducation demystifies concepts like the cognitive triad (thoughts, emotions, behaviors) and how they interrelate.

  2. Understanding Thought Patterns: Central to CBT is the idea that maladaptive thinking patterns can lead to emotional and behavioral challenges. Psychoeducation helps individuals recognize these patterns, understand their origins, and appreciate the impact they have on daily life.

  3. Introducing Techniques: As individuals progress in therapy, various techniques and tools are introduced — from journaling and cognitive restructuring to exposure therapy. Psychoeducation ensures individuals understand the purpose, process, and potential outcomes of these techniques.

  4. Reinforcing the Role of Homework: CBT often involves tasks to be completed outside of therapy sessions. Psychoeducation underscores the importance of these assignments, helping individuals see their value as extensions of the therapeutic process.

Benefits of Psychoeducation within CBT

  1. Empowerment: Knowledge is empowering. Understanding the principles of CBT allows individuals to take a proactive role in their therapy, actively participating in discussions, and applying techniques.

  2. Building Trust: Understanding the 'why' behind various interventions can foster trust in the therapeutic process. Individuals are more likely to engage wholeheartedly when they see the rationale behind specific strategies.

  3. Enhanced Self-awareness: As individuals learn about cognitive distortions and maladaptive behaviors, they often develop heightened self-awareness, becoming more attuned to their thought patterns and triggers.

  4. Promoting Continuity: Psychoeducation equips individuals with tools and knowledge that extend beyond therapy sessions. This understanding can serve as a foundation for lifelong self-reflection and growth.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Balancing Information: While psychoeducation is invaluable, it's crucial not to overwhelm individuals. The information should be paced and presented in digestible chunks.

  2. Individual Tailoring: Each person's cognitive landscape is unique. Psychoeducation should be tailored to cater to individual needs, ensuring relevance and resonance.

Psychoeducation in CBT is akin to illuminating a room before rearranging it. By shedding light on the underlying principles of cognitive behavior, the processes, and the interplay between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, individuals are better equipped to navigate the transformative journey that CBT offers.

At its core, CBT is about change — and understanding is the first step in this transformative process. Through psychoeducation, individuals are not only informed but also empowered, making them active participants in their journey towards cognitive clarity and behavioral balance.

Andrea Zorbas
The Art and Power of Self-Monitoring: A Guide to Personal Growth

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

In today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves on autopilot, reacting to situations without truly understanding the forces driving those reactions. Amidst this flurry of emotions and behaviors, the practice of self-monitoring emerges as a beacon, guiding us toward greater self-awareness and empowerment. Let's dive deep into the concept of self-monitoring and its transformative potential.

What is Self-Monitoring?

Self-monitoring is the practice of observing and recording one's behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. It's akin to being an impartial spectator of one's own life, taking notes without judgment. This self-awareness tool can be an eye-opener, revealing patterns, triggers, and habits that might have previously gone unnoticed.

Why Embrace Self-Monitoring?

  1. Increased Self-Awareness: By actively tracking our behaviors and emotions, we gain insights into our inner world. We begin to understand what makes us tick, our triggers, and our reactions.

  2. Behavioral Change: Identifying patterns is the first step towards change. Self-monitoring allows us to recognize unhelpful behaviors, making it easier to address and modify them.

  3. Emotion Regulation: Recognizing and understanding our emotional responses can help us better regulate our feelings, leading to enhanced emotional well-being.

  4. Goal Achievement: Whether it's a fitness target, a productivity goal, or personal growth, tracking our actions brings clarity and purpose, propelling us toward our goals.

How to Begin Your Self-Monitoring Journey

  1. Choose a Focus Area: Start with a specific behavior, emotion, or thought pattern you'd like to observe. It could be your dietary choices, spending habits, emotional responses to certain triggers, or recurring negative thoughts.

  2. Select a Tracking Method: Depending on your preference, this could be a traditional diary, a mobile app, voice notes, or any medium that you're comfortable with.

  3. Set Aside Reflection Time: It's not just about recording but also reflecting. Regularly review your notes to identify patterns, triggers, and insights.

  4. Stay Non-Judgmental: Remember, self-monitoring is not about criticism. It's an observational tool. Approach your findings with curiosity and compassion, not judgment.

  5. Seek Feedback: Sometimes, an external perspective can offer valuable insights. Share your findings with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist to gain a broader understanding.

The Potential Challenges

While self-monitoring offers numerous benefits, it's essential to be aware of potential pitfalls:

  • Over-Obsession: There's a fine line between observation and obsession. Ensure that self-monitoring doesn't become a stressor itself.

  • Data Overwhelm: Especially in the era of wearable tech, there's a risk of drowning in too much data. Remember, the goal is insight, not just information. Choose what's genuinely helpful to track.

  • Unrealistic Expectations: Growth is a journey. Celebrate small insights and changes instead of waiting for massive revelations or transformations.

Self-monitoring is a powerful tool in the quest for personal growth. It shifts us from a passive state of existence to an active state of awareness and empowerment. By tuning into our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions, we can navigate life with greater clarity, purpose, and joy. So, equip yourself with the tool of self-monitoring and embark on a journey of profound self-discovery. The path to a better self begins with understanding the present one.

Andrea Zorbas
The Structured Approach of CBT: A Guided Path to Well-being

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

In the vast realm of psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) stands out, not just for its efficacy but also for its distinct structure. At Therapy Now SF, we often get inquiries about what makes CBT unique. One defining feature is its structured approach. Let's unpack this characteristic to understand the transformative power of CBT.

“Goals are not ambiguous; they're clear, making the path to well-being more transparent.”

Understanding CBT's Structure

CBT operates on the fundamental premise that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interlinked. By changing one component, we can influence the others. To make this transformation effective, CBT employs a well-defined structure, ensuring that therapy is not only insightful but also action-oriented.

Key Aspects of CBT’s Structured Approach:

  1. Goal-Oriented Therapy: From the outset, CBT sessions prioritize defining clear, tangible goals. Instead of meandering discussions, every session has a purpose, ensuring that individuals move progressively towards their therapeutic objectives.

  2. Time-Limited Nature: CBT is often a short-term therapy. This doesn't mean it's rushed; instead, its structured nature ensures that individuals achieve significant change within a defined time frame, typically spanning a few weeks to several months.

  3. Agenda-Driven Sessions: A typical CBT session begins with setting an agenda. Both the therapist and client collaborate to decide what issues will be addressed, ensuring that every minute is purposefully utilized.

  4. Regular Review: Progress isn't left to the end. Regular reviews are embedded within the CBT structure, allowing both the therapist and client to gauge how things are moving, what's working, and what might need tweaking.

  5. Skill Acquisition and Practice: CBT isn't just about discussing problems. A significant chunk of therapy is dedicated to learning new skills and strategies, followed by real-world practice through homework assignments.

Why Does Structure Matter?

  1. Clarity and Direction: The structured approach ensures that individuals always know where they're heading. Goals are not ambiguous; they're clear, making the path to well-being more transparent.

  2. Empowerment: The predictable nature of CBT’s structure allows clients to take an active role. They're not passive recipients but co-pilots, steering their journey alongside the therapist.

  3. Efficiency: With its time-limited nature, CBT ensures that individuals derive maximum benefit in a relatively shorter duration. This structure makes CBT both cost-effective and time-efficient.

  4. Skill Transfer: The skills and strategies learned in CBT are not confined to therapy. The structured approach ensures that these skills are transferable, empowering individuals to handle future challenges adeptly.

Embracing the Structure: What to Expect at Therapy Now SF

If you're new to therapy or have previously engaged in more open-ended therapeutic approaches, the structure of CBT might feel different. At Therapy Now SF:

  1. Collaboration is Key: While CBT has a structure, it's not rigid. Our therapists work closely with clients to tailor the approach, ensuring it aligns with individual needs.

  2. Continuous Support: While CBT has a defined path, the journey can evoke a range of emotions. Our therapists are here to support, guide, and empower you at every step.

  3. Holistic Growth: The structure of CBT ensures that growth isn't one-dimensional. You'll witness changes in your thought patterns, emotional responses, and behaviors, leading to holistic well-being.

In Conclusion:

The structured approach of CBT is like a guided map to mental well-being. It's a journey where every step has a purpose, every session brings you closer to your goals, and every skill learned is a tool for life. At Therapy Now SF, we're passionate about CBT's transformative power and are here to guide you through its structured, enlightening path. Join us, and let's navigate the road to a brighter, balanced, and more empowered self.

Andrea Zorbas
Homework Assignments in CBT: A Close Look with Therapy Now SF

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a transformative approach that intertwines our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. At Therapy Now SF, we’re firm advocates of CBT’s efficacy, and an essential ingredient in this process is the use of homework assignments. Let's explore the profound role these tasks play within the CBT framework.

“CBT homework assignments are the bridges… to daily life.”

CBT Homework: More Than Just Assignments

In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, homework assignments aren't merely tasks to complete. They are purposeful extensions of the therapy sessions, designed to help individuals concretize the cognitive and behavioral strategies discussed during sessions into their daily lives.

Why Homework is Central in CBT

  1. Practice Makes Perfect: CBT introduces individuals to new ways of thinking and behaving. Like any new skill, consistent practice is key. Homework provides that crucial repetitive practice to reinforce newly learned cognitive and behavioral strategies.

  2. Real-World Application: CBT is heavily grounded in addressing real-life challenges. Assignments offer the opportunity to apply CBT techniques in real-life situations, highlighting their practicality.

  3. Monitoring Progress: Through consistent assignments, both the therapist and client can gauge progress, understand challenges, and adjust strategies accordingly.

Common Types of CBT Homework

  1. Thought Records: Clients might be asked to jot down negative or distressing thoughts as they occur in daily life, then analyze and challenge these thoughts based on CBT techniques learned.

  2. Behavioral Experiments: These are real-life tests where clients might confront specific fears or beliefs to observe outcomes and adjust their perceptions.

  3. Activity Scheduling: Especially useful for those with depression, clients may be encouraged to plan and engage in rewarding activities, then reflect on their emotional responses.

  4. Relaxation & Grounding Exercises: Clients practice techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or grounding to manage anxiety or distress.

Collaboration is Key

Homework in CBT isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. At Therapy Now SF, our therapists emphasize collaboration. We:

  1. Discuss and decide on assignments together, ensuring they align with the client's goals and comfort levels.

  2. Continuously gather feedback. It's vital to understand how clients feel about their assignments, the challenges faced, and the successes achieved.

Embracing the Homework Journey

It's worth noting that homework in CBT is not about achieving perfection. It's about effort, exploration, and learning. Some assignments may resonate well, while others might require tweaking. The goal is always growth and understanding, rather than ticking off a checklist.


CBT homework assignments are the bridges that connect the therapeutic space to the reality of daily life. They enable insights and strategies cultivated during therapy to be firmly rooted in everyday experiences. At Therapy Now SF, we deeply believe in the transformative potential of these tasks. They're not just assignments—they're pathways to a more empowered, self-aware, and balanced life.

If you're eager to engage in a therapy that intertwines insight with action, Therapy Now SF and CBT might be your perfect match. Dive deep, practice, and witness the change as therapy transcends the confines of the session.

Andrea Zorbas
Harnessing the Power of Positive Reinforcement in CBT

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a dynamic approach to mental health treatment that focuses on changing problematic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. A fundamental concept utilized in this approach is positive reinforcement, a principle that encourages behavior change by rewarding desired behaviors.

Understanding Positive Reinforcement

In the field of psychology and CBT, positive reinforcement is defined as the addition of a rewarding stimulus following a desired behavior, which increases the likelihood of the behavior recurring. The principle behind this concept stems from operant conditioning, a theory of learning that suggests behavior is learned and modified by its consequences.

“...therapists use positive reinforcement to encourage behavior change.”

Positive reinforcement works by associating a positive outcome with a specific behavior. When an action consistently results in a rewarding outcome, individuals are likely to repeat the behavior. This method can be instrumental in replacing negative or harmful behaviors with healthier alternatives.

Positive Reinforcement in CBT

In CBT, therapists use positive reinforcement to encourage behavior change. This technique can be applied to a wide range of behaviors. For instance, for clients working on social anxiety, a therapist might reinforce behaviors that involve engaging in social interactions, such as attending social events or initiating conversations.

The role of the therapist in positive reinforcement is critical. They identify which behaviors need reinforcement, determine suitable and meaningful rewards, and ensure the reinforcement is timely and consistent. This requires careful observation, clear communication, and collaboration with the client to understand their preferences and motivations.

The Benefits of Positive Reinforcement in CBT

Positive reinforcement offers numerous benefits in the therapeutic context. It fosters motivation for change, as rewarding outcomes make behavior change more appealing. By recognizing and rewarding progress, even if small, it can also improve self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Research supports the effectiveness of positive reinforcement in CBT. Studies have found that incorporating positive reinforcement can lead to lasting behavior change and improved treatment outcomes, making it a powerful tool in the therapist's toolkit.

Positive Reinforcement in Everyday Life

Beyond the therapy room, clients can apply positive reinforcement in their daily lives to continue their progress. Here are some practical ways to implement it:

  1. Self-reward: Clients can reward themselves for accomplishing a task they've been avoiding, such as completing a challenging work project or going for a health check-up. The reward could be a favorite treat, an episode of a loved show, or a relaxing bath.

  2. Positive self-talk: Following a desired behavior, clients can use positive self-talk as a form of reinforcement. For example, after a successful social interaction, they might tell themselves, "I did really well in that conversation. I'm proud of myself."

  3. Social reinforcement: Loved ones can play a role in reinforcing positive behaviors. For instance, family members can express appreciation when a client practices a newly learned communication skill, reinforcing its use in future interactions.


Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in CBT, playing a pivotal role in fostering behavior change. By linking desired behaviors with rewarding outcomes, it enhances motivation, boosts self-esteem, and facilitates progress in therapy.

If you're on a therapeutic journey, consider how positive reinforcement can enhance your progress. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is worth celebrating. Harness the power of positive reinforcement, and let it guide your path towards positive change.

Andrea Zorbas