How to Be Happy at Work: Insights from Dr. Andrea Zorbas

By Dr. Andrea Zorbas

Let's talk about how to be happy at work. How important is it to find happiness at work? We're at work a lot of hours of our day, of our week, of our life. Job satisfaction, in general, is going to contribute to our overall well-being, our overall state of happiness and contentedness.

Identifying What Makes You Happy at Work

What are some things that make you happy at work? That's where you start. You want to identify for yourself what brings you satisfaction versus the things that don't bring you satisfaction, and that's going to be different for everybody. It really is being self-reflective and trying to figure out what works for you.

And in doing that, some of the questions you can ask yourself are what is my passion, what do I feel my purpose is both in life? And then how does that translate to what is my purpose at work? What do I gain value from, what brings me meaning? And then from there, also personal growth.

We know that personal growth gives us a lot of satisfaction, especially in our jobs. So, that is another huge piece of where can I grow? Why is that important to me? Ask yourself a lot of why questions, why is this my passion? Why is this my purpose? And then digging even deeper from there.

Building Positive Relationships at Work

Another way to be happy at work is to build positive relationships. We are social beings. We need connection. Even if you're someone who considers yourself more introverted, that doesn't mean you don't need quality connections. It might mean you need less than an extrovert, but you're going to need those quality relationships.

And maybe that's even just one. And if you're extroverted, of course, you probably want a lot of those relationships at work. So, finding those colleagues that are supportive, that listen to you, that validate you, that you have fun with, that you can go to lunch with, take a walk with, or maybe even grab a happy hour drink with.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

Creating a positive work environment can involve simple things like personalizing your workspace to reflect your personality and interests. Ensuring you have a work-life balance and setting healthy boundaries is crucial, particularly in work cultures that may not initially support this. It's about making space for well-being and recharging.

Facing Challenges Positively

Facing challenges at work is inevitable, but viewing them as growth opportunities is key. Being resilient, flexible, and adaptable in the face of change and challenges keeps you engaged and helps in personal and professional development.

Seeking Growth and Development

Seeking continuous personal and professional development is crucial for job satisfaction. Set goals aligned with your personal values that are realistic and attainable. This pursuit of growth not only improves your skills but also keeps you motivated and fulfilled in your work.


In summary, happiness at work involves identifying what brings satisfaction, fostering positive relationships, creating a supportive work environment, facing challenges with resilience, and continuously pursuing personal and professional growth. Reflecting on how your work aligns with your personal values can transform your professional experience into one that is not only bearable, but joyful and fulfilling.

Andrea Zorbas