The Serenity Prayer and Anxiety

By Andrea Zorbas

You may of heard of the serenity prayer:

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

The courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference

Control is a central feature of anxiety. When we feel we have no control or little control, we often get anxious. When we break it down, we can only control some things and other things we have to let go. 

The next time you feel anxious, ask yourself: Is there anything I can do about x problem?

If the answer is Yes, then try to be pro-active with the problem. If the answer is No, then it’s time for you to practice acceptance of the unknown and having no control. The practice of letting go, which can be quite freeing. If you notice yourself ruminating, gently remind yourself there isn’t anything you can do, and to come back to the present. Being mindful can help alleviate those feelings of anxiety. 

Andrea Zorbas