How can I be more body positive?

By David Shepard

In a society fueled by ads, entertainment and social media highlighting certain body types as ideal or perfect, it’s no wonder why so many people struggle with body dissatisfaction, dieting, and obsessions over image. The marketing industry makes billions of dollars off of our insecurities. So how does one maintain a positive body image while hearing so many messages telling you that your body is not good enough and that you need to look like something you are not? Achieving a positive body image does not come from one single change or step, but rather a reorganizing of multiple aspects of one’s life.

The aspects that are important to nurture on your journey to body positivity are:

  • health

  • self care

  • self-love

  • your own definition of beauty

  • and building community

To start moving towards a positive body image, it’s important to know what to move away from and what to move towards. Having a positive body image involves being open to a lifetime of exploration of tools that help you feel freedom around your body image with love, acceptance, appreciation and uniqueness of your body. Having a static goal oriented view of what your body should be only plays into the message that something is wrong with your body. Instead of focusing on a weight loss program or step by step program, focus on a whole person health model.

A whole person health model involves a practical journey of self-inquiry based on health, self care and self-love. So there is no idealized image of a healthy person or body type that you are working to be. Instead you are coming to understand and celebrate the diversity of beauty and health. Strict rules on dieting and exercising are replaced with attunement of your body and health through self-care.

The last important aspect of feeling positive about your body image is to be around people who support positive self talk around body image and who also celebrate the diversity of beauty. Because we are constantly receiving messages from the world about idealized ways of being, it’s important that we nurture a community of people around us that send messages of love, diversity, and acceptance.

If you are wanting support on your journey to body positivity, please contact us at Therapynowsf for your free consultation.

Andrea Zorbas