By David Shepard
Most of us want to be successful in life, whether that is in our careers or in relationships. If you want to be successful in life, you will need confidence. Confidence boils down to the positive feelings you have about yourself. For many people self-confidence seems mysterious. They feel like either you have it or you don’t. If you don’t have it, good news is that confidence can be developed and nurtured.
Self-confidence is determined for the most part by what is going on in our minds. Our minds are like a personal talk-radio station that is constantly broadcasting a steady stream of thoughts that compare, encourage, criticize, evaluate and judge everything inside and outside of ourselves. This self-evaluating, talk-radio mind has two sides: positive and negative. The positive side is all about broadcasting approving and encouraging messages about ourselves. I can get this job. I deserve all the love my wife is giving me. When on the negative side, messages are disapproving, discouraging and self-defeating. I don’t know what I’m doing. I will never be able to find someone that will love me.
The more negative things we say about ourselves, the more we disconnect from the positive side of our minds, which then results in increased stress and self-doubt. When the negative side persists, we end up being yanked off our success path. In order to remain on a successful path, we must disconnect with our negative side and increase our connection with our positive side.Our positive side supports us on our path to be the best we can, which results in accomplishments and confidence.
If you would like to learn more about increasing your connection with your positive side to improve your confidence and success journey, please contact us at THERAPY Now SF to book a free consultation.