Signs You’re Experiencing Burnout

If you’re a person living in this world of 2022, you are likely feeling burnout. The past two years have felt extremely untenable, and there has been very little time to decompress or recover from all the curveballs the world has thrown at everyone.

If you don’t believe that you could possibly be suffering burnout, then read on to learn about various signs that point to burnout to see if any of them sound familiar to what you’re dealing with.

Signs to Look For

More Prone to Headaches

If you find that headaches seem to be accosting you at every turn, no matter what you do, it might be a sign of burnout.

You Feel Worthless

If you’re feeling that nothing you’re doing is worth anything, or that you’re not being effective when you do try things, you might be suffering from burnout. This is an extremely common sign of burnout, so if you’re feeling listless or feel as if there’s no point in what you’re doing, see if it’s related to a feeling of burnout.


If you find that you’ve become extremely pessimistic or cynical in your daily life – especially around things that used to give you extreme amounts of joy – it might be that you can’t muster up the energy to handle anything with positivity. This is another common sign of burnout.


If you find that you’re constantly tired, no matter how much relaxation and sleep you’re getting, you might be suffering from burnout. Physical or emotional distress and fatigue both count towards this exhaustion, so if you’re finding that it’s hard to get out of bed in the mornings, then it might be burnout at play.

Trouble Sleeping

If you are finding that you’re having trouble sleeping, and you can’t figure out any rhyme or reason behind your troubles, it might be that you’re experiencing burnout. You might think that burnout would make you want to sleep more, but you’ll find that, even if you’re sleeping more (a common sign of depression), you just don’t feel rested.


Feeling depressed – whether you have a history of depression or otherwise – is a common sign of burnout. Research has shown that if you suffer from depression, you might also suffer more easily from burnout; the two sometimes go hand in hand.


Similar to pessimism, if you find that things are getting under your skin more easily, it might be a sign of burnout. Take note if you find that things you were previously able to brush off now feel as if they’re the last straw in your life – if your temper is shorter than usual, it might point to burnout.

Easily Distracted

If focus just isn’t in it for you anymore, you might be experiencing burnout. Being easily distracted is a big sign that plays into not being able to pay attention and also into a feeling of worthlessness. The worthlessness leads to distraction, which cycles back into the worthlessness (since you’re not being productive) and vice versa.


By now, you’ve likely determined if any of the symptoms listed in this blog are familiar or not. Know that there’s no shame in suffering from burnout – just make sure to take care of yourself and allow yourself to decompress when necessary, so that you can stay fighting fit!

Andrea Zorbas