My take on what can be The Silver Lining of COVID-19

By Pooja Mamidanna AMFT (103485)

On March 19th 2020 California issued the state wide shelter in place order due to COVID-19. It been more than a month. This has been quite the ongoing adjustment for us all trying to navigate our lives during this pandemic personally and professionally. 

I have noticed with my partner, friends/family, clients and myself the roller coaster of emotions one can be experiencing. For instance, we can go through a few days or a week of “feeling really good for a few days, feeling okay/alright, feeling highly anxious/stressed, feelings of frustration/irritability/anger and feeling of loneliness and sadness.”

As human beings when things are not going the way we wish for them to be going, when things are wrong and not right; we tend to focus only on what is wrong in our lives. We do not reflect on what Is right or the positive aspects in our lives. I have been guilty of doing this myself as well over the last month, when I am getting in the cycle of anxiety. 

Something that I try to live my life by and what I educate my clients, friends, and family on the “silver lining or that light at the end of the tunnel”. During this time, I gently encourage you to utilize this following mindset. I am not going to lie; some days are easier said than done. However, it has really been helpful for myself as well as when I am teaching my clients about focusing on what is right in their lives; the positives. By thinking about the silver lining. 

This can be done by challenging your mind, body and soul to get out of the corona blues funk and to think about:

  • How can you use your time in a way that benefits you? (Developing that New Skill set for your personal and professional lives or Hobby you have always wanted to)

  • Are there some tv shows, movies or documentaries you want to catch up on?

  • New and Old friends/family you want to check in with? (I am sure we are also tired by now about the virtual work meetings and virtual socials, so maybe writing them an email or snail mail maybe?)

  • Perhaps creating a daily gratitude journal that will help? (Starting your day and ending your day with “two things you are grateful for that happened in the day or you were proud”.)

  • Creating a daily Routine. (Making sure you plan your day, week and weekends)

  • Developing healthy habits such as eating healthy, healthy sleeping habits and exercise.

(I love lifting weights but have no stamina when it comes to HIIT work outs or yoga, I have been trying to build my skills on this.) There are many free resources that are available on the internet. The Fitness and Health industry are hosting live work out sessions, meditation and yoga sessions. Take advantage of your resources. I have been hosting virtual work out sessions with my friends and family.

I guess what I am trying to say is, we are all slowed down right now and we are not going to get this time back as well. So, let’s try to look at this with a positive spin of developing some skills, engaging in a new hobby, doing some DIY home projects, practicing gratitude etc. I guarantee you with that positive intention and mindset, these things can also make you feel good about yourself.

The truth is once this is all over in due time, we will come out of this stronger than ever. Until then, be safe, stay healthy and positive with your mindset.

You have got this!


Self-Care Tips

Positive Steps to well-being

Gratitude Journal

Andrea Zorbas