Depression What?

By Annika Miyamoto, MS

It is a common perception that a person with depression moves around in daily life with a sad face, slumped shoulders, and conveys an overall sense of having been defeated in life.

However, depression does not always present in this way and many folks might be surprised to learn that depression can manifest in many different ways.

Different ways depression can present

  • Have you ever found yourself constantly irritable over trivial things?

  • Feeling tired, sluggish, or just plain “blah” on a daily basis?

  • Or have you ever felt so overwhelmed by life that getting out of bed in the morning is difficult?

Irritability or agitation and overall fatigue are symptoms that may indicate the presence of an underlying depression. Many folks who experience these symptoms with busy lives find ways to adapt or cope, sometimes in healthy ways (e.g., meditation) or not so healthy ways (e.g., alcohol, unhealthy foods), when the truth is that there may be a solution to these struggles.

Depression can be the result of a chemical imbalance within the brain and environmental factors as well. Environmental factors can especially have a significant impact in how a person feels even if they have never experienced depression before. For instance, a breakup with a romantic partner or a change in employment are just some of the events that can emotionally blindside us.

But it doesn’t always require a major life changing event to spark a depressive episode and it may be the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain or other physiological changes within the body.

What you can do

Recognition of symptoms is key!

  • Consider making an appointment with your primary care physician and/or licensed therapist

  • Read more about depression via the internet, books, or podcasts

  • Get adequate sleep

  • Eat well

  • Exercise, even if it’s a brief 10-15 minute walk around the block everyday

  • Avoid alcohol or substances as they can worsen depressive symptoms

  • Be patient with yourself

Andrea Zorbas